Thursday, February 14, 2008

38 Weeks on Heart Day

Mickade snapped this for me this pardon the fact that my head is chopped off LOL!!!

I'm 38 weeks today, I can't believe it! It's the 14th and I'm 14 days from my due date. Stephen should be home tomorrow night (YAY!). I'd like to take some nice photos this weekend, and with that done, I'll feel ok if the baby comes. :-)

The kids are both sick. :-( So that's the downer for today. Mickade was sick all day yesterday, still has a mild fever today, and Lillian has it now. Poor little thing, she won't take medicine because she hates the taste, so she's just miserable. I tried to coax her, and she agreed to take some since I said it would make her not feel yucky anymore...but she just couldn't do it LOL. Spit it right back out. That's ok, it's probably better for her body to work it out without interference, I just usually like to make them more comfortable when it hits 103F, know what I mean? And I guess I can assume we'll be getting little sleep tonight. Oh well.

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