Sunday, January 31, 2010

Making Gum

Gum, natural gum, as you may know, comes from the sap of the chicle tree in the rainforest. It's a really cool process we learned all about. We read all about it here before we got started. It's really neat if you've never read about it, I highly recommend it! Anyway, we ordered a kit from Glee Gum and had a blast!!! We made peppermint and cherry (the peppermint was our favorite). The kids LOVED the process, and now we understand where gum comes from (though a lot of the gum we buy now is man-made). One of the ways we can help preserve the rainforests is by buying gum like Glee Gum, since the chicle tree only grows there.

Melting the chicle.

The powdered sugar to mix in the chicle


Rolling it flat

The finished product!! Delicious!


Glee Guy said...

Thanks for being a chum to gum! Glad you all had so much fun. What a great post, and swell pictures too! From everyone at Glee Gum - THANK YOU!

Suzie said...

Yay! You're back! How cool! I think I want to try that here at school. LOL!

Joy@WDDCH said...

That is SO COOL! I should tell our principal about this kit!!! I remember learning about how gum was made in school but we never actually got to make it ourselves and try it!